Supplementary material for research

Here is a list of data sets for the following problems:

  1. Supply chain network design and physical internet: Instances and Input parameters.
  2. Parallel machine scheduling with position-dependent processing times. Dataset.
  3. Permutation flowshop scheduling with position-dependent processing times and tardiness minimization. Data sets FS pdpt max.
  4. Tourist trip design problem (TTDP). Small data sets are here. Results are in this link: General_Solutions_Matrix hptoptw-j New
  5. Tourist trip design problem (TTDP). Real-case data sets are: Toptw-jClass-aToptw-jClass-eToptw-jMun-fToptw-jSubR-aToptw-jSubR-bToptw-jGen. Results are here: Results hptoptw-j21a
  6. Two-echelon vehicle routing problem with time windows (2E-VRPTW) for city logistics. Data sets here: Input data_2evrptw.

Here is some supplementary material of research outputs:

  1. Supplementary material for the paper “Taxonomy of Scheduling Problems with Learning and Deterioration Effects”, by Y.A. Paredes-Astudillo, J.R. Montoya-Torres, and V. Botta-Genoulaz, submitted to Algorithms journal (Nov, 5, 2022): click  here for the Supplementary_material file in pdf.
  2. System Dynamics for tourist trip design problem (TTDP), click Anexos paper DS-Tourism.